Greetings from Z-Gnome


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all. Long time EQ'er from Tunare. My grandson found this site and bugged me until I DL'd the thing. I have to admit I am excited to return and see what you have done with the original form.

Please toss me a tell if you have a chance.... if I can remember how to /reply. Always available to help if you need it. Have nukes, will travel.

Best regards

Level 0 Wizard
I think you will really like this compared to Retail. Once you get a hang of it and read up on the wiki you will back into wizzy game shape in no time.

Might be hard to get a group in the beginning but then again you will be broke and want to stay close to home city for spells. There is quests in I believe every noobie starting zone to help you with exp and some cash.

Also, 98% of the community is very helpfull so dont be afraid to ask if you have any questions.

Welcome and best of luck to you.
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