Greetings from Salkanaugh


Dalayan Beginner
Just wanted to drop a quick hello here in the forums...

I'm new to Sod (been here 3-4 weeks now) and am having an absolute blast.

My Main (and really only) toon so far is Salkanaugh, now 51/3 Cleric. I've met tons of you already and with the rare and expected exceptions, everyone is awesome... and hey, even the exceptions I mentioned have their place I suppose.

I'm looking forward to being here for a long time to come and so figured it was time to make a footprint on the forums, hence this post.

I'd like to thank the many folks in DB that have helped me to understand and appreciate SoD, not to mention their quick answers to my many questions.

If ya see me in game, group me by all means... and don't hesitate to share tips... I never played a Cleric on Live but I'm intent now on making this one a 65+ as soon as possible, and with the help and advice of many cool SoD'ers I'm well on the way already. Eventually I'll shop for a raiding guild, but for now I think DB is the best place for me to be.

I also hope to eventually have some other toons up and coming but I made the conscious decision to focus on one toon initialy in order to a) make sure I got my head around the custom aspects of Dalaya; b) learn to play THIS class right; c) gear myself appropriately along the way as is kinda necessary for a cleric, and (probably most importantly) d) develop a repoire and reputation (hopefully good) with this primary toon first, before creating a half dozen alts.

Good Luck to all in your Dalayan endeavours and I'll see you in game!

Salkanaugh 51/3 Cleric
Salkazar 1 Wiz (boxed fisherman and chat watcher)
If ya see me in game, group me by all means... and don't hesitate to share tips... I never played a Cleric on Live but I'm intent now on making this one a 65+ as soon as possible, and with the help and advice of many cool SoD'ers I'm well on the way already. Eventually I'll shop for a raiding guild, but for now I think DB is the best place for me to be

Being a mained cleric will get you in to just about any guild you want. Ensure you can mash heal hot keys and you'll go far. They'll gear you and just about AA you just for playing with their tag lol
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