Greetings from a former TZer


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, thinking of trying this game out as im running short on FUN games to play right now. Ive been reading and found out THIS version of the game is actually highly customized?

Is the Enchanter class still in the game!? And if so, do they still have all the charms/mezzes/stuns/clarity etc type spells they had on live?

Also, is this populated enough that you can actually find GROUPS to play with (and are there any raids) !?!?

Thanks in advance for all your help !!!
I am no expert on Enchanters either on Live or here. I think my chanter has been in the 20's for a year. They have the same basic function. I think the pet at that level is slightly better in that you have the pet window to control it (you don't have to be hit in order for the pet to attack). They spells are very similar.

Finding groups here is like finding groups on Live. At lower levels there is probably one group in a given range at a time. But it really depends on timing. I strongly encourage you to box. You can play two toons at a time (if they are on separate accounts) and so I would box a pair that can EXP while LFG us up.

Yes there are raids. The End-Game is really all about raiding. The main thing to realize is that raids are limited to three groups of 6 (total = 18) and you cannot have more than 3 of any particular class. So, if you have four clerics in the raid, one will not be able to cast or hit or do anything but take up a slot. These two limitations have huge impacts on class distribution.

I think in general the mechanics on this server will be familiar, but there are differences.
If by highly customized you mean completely customized, in terms of mobs, loot, spells, zone connections, and lore, then yes.
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