Greetings, friends


Dalayan Adventurer
Hello, everyone. Another new player here - left the Game a couple of years ago, but couldn't quite shake it... but couldn't quite go back to it, either, to go through the same old zones again. Heard about this place, and I'm rather liking it. Neat history and contents. My compliments to the chef.

Am trying new characters - Enchanter, and a Druid. Might also try 2-boxing them. We'll see how that goes...

And a special hello to Oulawouzou - I remember you from the old Sony boards. I was Kuzlid, there. Nice to see you (and others that are probably here but I don't recognize.)
Hello Kuzlid/Chinghis, sorry I missed your hello the first time around. :)

I'm sure you'll like it around here. The community is really great and so's the game!
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