Greetings Everyone :)


Dalayan Beginner
:D Greetings to everyone - I just started here on Dalaya a couple of days ago. I had actually started playing the free month re-activation that came with the new progression servers Sony just started out. I was terribly dissapointed by the new servers, and by chance came across the emulation community and found my way here. I am more than happy I did.

This morning I spent an hour on the boats, took the wrong one and then found my way to the right one. A lot of folks didn't like that sort of thing, but for me it was one of the best things about Everquest. The makers of the official game, for me, have removed all of the fun from the main game. It isn't just that the game has been made easier - it has been made less real, less immersive, less fun.

I am babbling, but I wanted to say I love the server - I never thought I'd be able to play the game so much like it was in the old days. Thanks to all of the people behind this - I'm having a blast.
Welcome to SoD =)

Before my hubby and I found this server he had actually found a program that let you load the world but without active mobs (you could kill them but they didn't move or agro on their own) Just for the thing you were talking about. To run around, get lost find your way and explore while you're at it. Enjoy it and have fun!!!!
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