greetings all


Dalayan Beginner
hey all!

i've been playing eq for quite a few years, absolutely love it. im currently deployed in iraq and was wondering how one goes about getting set up on this server. my eq folder on my laptop was patched to live as of a few months ago when i was home. do i simply run the this infamous "SoD Patcher" and pray that it pipes out the proper dataz to my blighted retail eq install to fix it so i can connect to your beloved server? :) any info would be awesome. ive got an eqemu install folder on my desktop but thats sadly in michigan...and im in does me no good :) anyway, i'm gonna let this patcher run for the next 50 hours or so till it finishes and then cross my fingers and hope it works if anyone has any insight on helping me i would LOVE to hear it :D

ps- i 3box an 80 barb warrior, 80 high elf cleric, 80 zerker on FV :) well, when im home anyway. cant wait to start a toon on this chance that ill be multiboxing with my latency but it should be good enough to play one with 1000-2000ping :) anyway, cant wait to see you all in the game.

Semper Fi,
Hey man, let me know if there is anything I can help you with. I'm fairly new to the server myself(lvl 18 Wizard atm) but, I'm also an EQ live Vet and I've done a lot of research on this server so I will help you out as much as I can. Also, if you need some programs and stuff let me know. My brother and I are both in the military and when he was deployed I got him whatever he needed when he wasn't riding donkeys around the FOB.. see the image below:

Send me a PM if you want, I'll hook you up with my aim or email. Good luck man.

Welcome, I hope you get on soon. Oh and please remember max amount of boxes your allowed is 2, never more. Cheers
woohoo, patch finished downloading by the time i got home from work...just gotta cut and paste my eq folder back onto my laptop's C: so it will run faster. sat there looking at the loading screen for 20min when it was loading off my thumb drive lol. i should be online within 30min :) cya all there, charname will be Ascension if i am allowed to create it :)
Welcome to the server. I hope all works well with you. Back in 2005 I tried to play Live from a shared satellite connnection at Taqaddum. It worked, but kiting with my druid was absolutely a no no. The latency was far too much.
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