Hello all. I am new to the SOD gameplay and hope to get involved with the game again. I am an older player pushing towards my 50's... I use to play EQ quite a bit in the old days. Started playing weeks after released and stuck with it for about 9 years (on and off in the end of it). Had 3 accounts played ever class to see how each character was structured and had great fun at it.
Got to be in a lot of great guilds and got to help tons of people advance in the game as well and getting help from others. I plan on helping when I can and see what becomes of it. I am in no great rush to be #1 I just want to play the game and have a great time with others.
I played on the Tunare server on live 95%+ of the time.
I went by several different characters mainly Microsow/Woodelf druid, Bigfatugly/Orge Beastloard, Fiirstaidkit/dwarf cleric, Steelbone/human monk, Bonesnatcher/human necro. Those being my main characters I played most of the years. Ended up with 3 accounts and 24 toons each in level from lvl 50+ to 80 which at the time was the highest lvl in the game.
It was a fantastic run and a great time but I missed some of the old game play and wanted to get back playing. Love the old school feel of this server and hope that I can lend a hand and see what becomes of things...
Currently under the name of Sueii/woodelf druid if you want to stop by and say hello in game.
Thanks and take care and thanks for the welcome by some of the players in game already. Already met a couple nice players the first two times playing.
Any advice for a newbie is most welcome!!!
Got to be in a lot of great guilds and got to help tons of people advance in the game as well and getting help from others. I plan on helping when I can and see what becomes of it. I am in no great rush to be #1 I just want to play the game and have a great time with others.
I played on the Tunare server on live 95%+ of the time.
I went by several different characters mainly Microsow/Woodelf druid, Bigfatugly/Orge Beastloard, Fiirstaidkit/dwarf cleric, Steelbone/human monk, Bonesnatcher/human necro. Those being my main characters I played most of the years. Ended up with 3 accounts and 24 toons each in level from lvl 50+ to 80 which at the time was the highest lvl in the game.
It was a fantastic run and a great time but I missed some of the old game play and wanted to get back playing. Love the old school feel of this server and hope that I can lend a hand and see what becomes of things...
Currently under the name of Sueii/woodelf druid if you want to stop by and say hello in game.
Thanks and take care and thanks for the welcome by some of the players in game already. Already met a couple nice players the first two times playing.
Any advice for a newbie is most welcome!!!