Great Dryad Meeting on Blackscale Faction


Dalayan Beginner
I am on Blackscale Faction (character name Charley) and have completed all of the faction quests that Xilkaz has given to me. He does not have anything more for me to do and does not give me an option to meet with the Great Dryad. I tried talking to Tesia and telling her I cant complete the quest, like it says to do in Wiz's post, but that does not help either. Would like this to be fixed so I can get my Gemstone of the Seeker. Thanks.

EXACT NAME OF QUEST NPC: Xilkaz of the Order

WHAT STAGE OF THE QUEST YOU ARE ON: Finished all faction quests, should be able to meet with the Great Dryad.

WHAT THE QUEST NPC SAYS WHEN HAILED: [D1] I want to advance in rank.
[D2] I am looking for tasks to do.
He responds to each of these by telling me to seek out his equals in other zones.


YOUR OWN SPECULATION TO THE PROBLEM (if any): Honestly no idea.
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Xilkaz is not the only person in the blackscale camp that gives out quests.. Since you specifically said Xilkaz and only Xilkaz, am I correct in assuming you havent done ALL the quests in that camp?
Xilkaz is the one that tells you of the other quest givers, so when I said all of the quests, I meant every quest in the blackscale camp. I stole the horses and supplies for the other 2 quest givers until they did not need my help anymore.
Also forgot to mention that I have received the Blackscale Warrior's Mark, which you can only do upon completing the quests, so I should be able to meet with the Great Dryad.
My next question is: Are you even at this point in the main quest? Have the seekers sent you to the heartlands, or are you blindly following the wiki (and skipping steps, causing missed flags).

The reason i dont think anything is wrong with the quest itself is because the quest hasnt changed, and no one else is having issues with this part that are not player error.
The seekers definitely sent me to the Heartlands, I have finished everything in the MQ up to this point. I have Gemstone of Insight at the moment.
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