Graphics Card Recommendation


Dalayan Adventurer
I'm in the market for a new graphics card. Looking for something inexpensive, but want to get a card that avoids both the two most common graphic issues with shards of Dalaya.

1) Graphics Tearing that occurs in first person with Nividea cards
2) Lack of Target rings that occurs with ATI cards

Can anyone recommend to me a solid currently available video card that will solve both these issues.


Edit - My current card is an ATI 4670 PCI card. Worked great except for the target rings, and now the fan is going on it.
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I'm also in the market for a card, and would really appreciate knowing if there's a current one available that doesn't have either rendering problem.
the intel graphics card in many laptops works well without any of the issues the major players have. Whether you can track down a normal PC card with intel chipset on it I'm not sure... Maybe the new intel graphics on the sandy bridge processors might be bless with good SoD graphics too?
Unfortunately, sandy bridge did not do anything for the graphics tearing. I recently got an Alienware laptop with the gt555m and Intel sandy bridge cpu and internal graphics. It has the Optimus technology so you can run the game through either graphics processor. The target rings work with both, but they both have the tearing issue still.
Get an AMD (ATI), the lack of target ring seems a lot easier to live with than the nasty haywire graphics.
That's unfortunate to hear, but thank you for the replies.

The graphic effects are not caused by the card per se, but library calls of each card driver which are incompatible with a 13 year old game. In a nut shell, the game was compiled against the DirectX v6 and doesn't support calls for functions in DX9-10 which are similar but not backwards compatible. No driver calling DX will work fully.

I personally use software drivers compiled against OpenGL, which is backwards compatible and have no problems with tearing or target rings. Also, the target ring and tearing fix on the forum works on win7, which is what I would work on because M$ has forced OpenGL off Windows.
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