Dalayan Beginner
Alright. Where do I start?
First off, I'm running a bootcamped version of Windows XP Service Pack 3 on an iMac - could be my first issue. Graphics card is a NViDIA G-Force 9400 I believe.
Playing with a single client - I have no issues whatsoever. No lag, no clipping, no odd textures - alls good. I log in a second character however, and things start to get weird. Characters have purple shadows, ground keeps flickering in and out - lots of graphical clusterfuckery.
I tried seeing if it might have been something with texture cacheing - turned it off, yet to delete them (bout to try that), as well as checked to see if it was a processor issue and no results.
Anyone have a clue?
First off, I'm running a bootcamped version of Windows XP Service Pack 3 on an iMac - could be my first issue. Graphics card is a NViDIA G-Force 9400 I believe.
Playing with a single client - I have no issues whatsoever. No lag, no clipping, no odd textures - alls good. I log in a second character however, and things start to get weird. Characters have purple shadows, ground keeps flickering in and out - lots of graphical clusterfuckery.
I tried seeing if it might have been something with texture cacheing - turned it off, yet to delete them (bout to try that), as well as checked to see if it was a processor issue and no results.
Anyone have a clue?