Grand Library Quests


Dalayan Beginner
I have a question about the location of Taldorians...I can't find anyone in Sadri Malath. Am I in the right area? Also, as far as finding the items for the quest givers in the Grand Library, what do you do since wiki doesn't explain anything about these quests?
I have a question about the location of Taldorians...I can't find anyone in Sadri Malath.
The Froglok race that lives in Sadri Malath are in fact called Taldorians, as opposed to the frogloks in mielech, who are frogloks.

Also, as far as finding the items for the quest givers in the Grand Library, what do you do since wiki doesn't explain anything about these quests?

Read the description and where they ask you to go, and figure it out. Most of the text I've run into told you pretty much exactly where to go. Nothing really ambiguous about it.
The fact that you missed the thread with 5 pages of posts specifically about the quests in this zone makes me think you need to read everything more closely.
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