Goodbye for a while....


Dalayan Adventurer
When RL hauls off and kicks you in the groin, you have to re-assess what's important. SoD has fallen far down on the list.

Believe it or not, I've been in game for over 2 years now and I've made some great friends to show for it. Out of fear of missing someone, I won't go into specific names. To Wiz, devs, and GMs, you guys are doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work. I plan on keeping my measily $5 monthly donation going at least for a few more months because I feel I owe it to you for all the fun I've had as well as I do hope to come back if things change. To all the Revelation folks, guilded or not, you made this game worth playing. To those closest to me, I will still be around on the boards, IM, and IRC( on occassion). Feel free to contact me by one of those avenues. To all those I've never met, don't worry, you didn't miss a hell of alot.

See you around all.

Dang, I really need to start reading this section more often. And here I was wondering where you had gone to..

Doh just saw this myself. Get into irc more often man, just cause you got that fancy promotion doesn't mean you can't sneak in now and then! When you come back maybe I will have found a casual guild for us! Ok maybe not.
WHAT?!!? Dang it....Rev people are dropping like flies.... :(

Take care, Farcy - keep in touch and stuff :)

I'm going to miss our chats and groups. I hope all goes well with you and make sure to stay in touch. GL with your new job!

Take care Farcy.
You're one of the best persons I've ever met, that's for sure. Make sure to lurk around and say hi every now and then.
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