I was thinking about good ol' SoD yesterday.
Started back in April 2008.
lvl 1-65 was a blur
I have really fond memories of all the hours spent raiding at various levels.
I remember as a newly lvl 65 and just starting to work on AA's I was guilded under Bianco with Pipn, Onysus and others. We would bring a full 18 man raid to E maps and push the envelope to do Mod maps occasionally.
I got the determination to farm up for my 32k charm and spent many hours in the basement of the Temple of Yaralith killing "a forgotten spawn". When I ran into Xenion there I diverted to The Great Divide to farm Harthuks and their weapons.
Eventually I got an invite to <Army of Exile> under Budrick with Tarutao, Krugz, Liliana and some gay wizard named Sayen. We spent many hours in Caverns of Darkness, Sepulcher of Darkness, Tower of Agony and Hall of Misery. We didn't have vent and Budrick would demand we all STFU as he spammed GU with the next fights strat. I got fed loot and raiding was amazing! I got my first Ancient here when, after a raid, Budrick played my toon and hit up several T1 targets until it dropped. I logged in the next day to all my spells dememmed except
Ancient: Modulating Rod. I would never have to target each individual of the raid and summon a modrod to them!
Eventually that died out and I joined <Resurgum> under Niev with Stratocuus, Zorr, Pejik, Enderi and others. We spent many hours in Plane of Nightmare. Me and Felzrith finished out Ancients at this time from a mini Pug that Zorr led on the WW dragons.
I started to grind out plat again for my 100k charm in Cyclops Gorge, hurrying to keep all the Elders dead in case someone strolled through to farm as well

When that died out I spent time questing, exping and farming. Eventaully I joined <The Remnants> under Stryda and Isotep with Pipn, Jarh, Sema, Apros, Gares and Udeni. We spent many many hours in Valor B, OP and ToT. This was the first time I had raided with vent. It was amazing! Isotep always kept the raids fun while Stryda would reign us in and go over strats. Everytime he pushed his PTT you could here him typing at the same time so we teased him that he must be pushing the PTT with his D!*K. I remember getting my first relic off of Archfiend Ghanherizoc. I was stoked! I remember killing Enthann the first time. Everyone was yelling, it was awesome.
I got my second relic from a pug with Kildonalis and Dymon in the Tower of Agony on the twins. It was my pet and Langdorn was starting to become a real mage!
When that died out and we merged with <Amicii> under Ghaellie with Grawill, Azudn, Kildonalis (Get some!) and others. We were doing the Mephar and Bloodfire wings and some of Plane of Fire. I got my third relic here off of Yaralith the Forgotten. <Amicii> was filled with great folks who were very very kind.
I got back to farming platinum and spent countless hours in Dragon Necropolis boxing Pipn. I eventually got my 226k charm and it made a huge difference. The spell crit was a game changer for my DPS.
I left <Amicii> not long after the merge to join <Bane> under the consistent urgings of Oozu. <Bane> did not use vent and raids were absolutely like clockwork. Ravik ran such a smooth precise raid I felt obligated to never take my eyes off the screen. We knocked out Thaz with Zatik, Miffane, Daedeus and others. Thaz 1 and 2, The Well and Generals were crazy fun fights. It was absolutely amazing! I got my last two relics in IP. <Bane> was feeding me loot like crazy and I was loving it lol! <Bane> was awesome! I will always have a huge respect for those guys. My pet has been named Bane ever since. We broke into Abyss and were working on strats for that (in addition to 4.3) when things slowed down enough to stop.
At this time I finished off my last codex of power and ground out my 500k charm.
We merged with <Chaotic Winds>. They said this merge is what pushed CW out of the T9 they had been locked into for years. Sniglefritz, Lizzlefritz and Tryling were some of the best people I've ever met. We were hitting up a lot of Yclist. I was absolutely stoked to be in such a great guild hitting these high end fights. I will always remember our first victory over The Eyes of the Father. Vent was CRAZY! Everyone was yelling MOVE MOVE MOVE and screaming their heads off. Arcibu was clutch ( I know hes not liked but the fact remains that he was good ) for figuring out strats. My time in CW under Snig was the most satisfying time I've had in SoD. We were working on killing Prime and moving into spires. I remember I went of vacation and was checking the forums every day to see how we were doing. I would even jump in vent on my phone while out with my wife (in Hawaii LOL!!) and put in earbuds to listen. We eventually killed Prime and immediately ran to FoB to see what it was like in spires.
The game is magical, the fights were magical for me. Everyone was SO pumped to be playing and progressing. Each fight was an absolute blast. We would all just look at emotes and put our heads together to try to figure out why the raid just exploded. CR's were like a bunch of giggly school girls prancing back to the zone to re-engage.
We worked our way through the floors and tinkered with The Temple of Elael.
I continued to farm Kaesora, Eldenals until my supreme and could stop farming (happy day!).
This game is awesome. I have spent almost 5,000 hours here. That is a huge amount of time. People have earned degrees in less time than that. But I will always look back fondly on this game and the people I played with. You guys are awesome and I am VERY sad to see these times end.