Gnome Warrior GM is now deaf.


Dalayan Beginner
The Warrior GM in Underhill is no longer responding to Hails, therefore not giving out quests, and the quest items I have attained (which took a while) are not being recieved. The quest I have finished JUST prior to patch was the Orc Warrior Sword quest. However, he does not seem to be offering any quests atm, while the other GM, guards, and swordsmith offer theirs.

If i've left anything else you need out, let me know. The GM's name slipped my mind, but it's the dwarf. Thorond or something of the nature. Starting room for gnomish warriors.

- Aeillin
Yeah, he apparently doesn't have a default hail when you're in the middle of the armor quests.
K thanks, also ( I don't know if this is fixed/linked to other problem), he is not accepting the items to complete the quest.

- Aeillin
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