Glamorous Visor Warrior Thurgadin Quest Problem


Dalayan Beginner
The Starmetal Ingot part of the quest is inaccessible to get for warriors trying to finish the quest in Lake Starfall. The guardians and acolytes (I was told a tier 8 raid spot) now in place in the underwater tower see invis, invis vs undead, and are too powerful for a small group of 55+. I was not even able to get a cleric to Bestow Divine Aura on me because I was caught in the Chokeweed trap 4 seconds into swimming in. Please move the Ingot to a more accessible spot for warriors to finish up their quest or just some kind of fix so we can all finish our quest. Thank you.
I'm having the same problem. I think my 55 warrior has died 6 times so far. The Deepwater Guardians are not a problem: they don't see invis. However the Deepwater Acolytes are a super pain. They see invis and seem to come out of nowhere, and there are a number of them in a pack.
Anyone have anything to add, maybe tips and/or tricks to get this done? I know people who have, but I get slaughtered every time. Even with max swimming, I only got lucky once and got to the tower, not inside though.
I can't even get in there with a 65 druid, they stun too much and can't get any heals off.
Brutal, since I already have the first two components.. I thought Chromasurge was annoying... but the ingot is freakin brutal!

Plz help! lol
There was another thread about this issue and I posted under there as well. It's a problem a Dev is promising to look at.

I finished the quest for my warrior. It's just a matter of pure luck as to whether you run into the acolytes or not. The mobs seem to path between the eastern and western cave entrances. I would suggest that you wait for them to leave then entrance then follow them in, but if you ever see one, it's too late to do anything because you will already have aggro. So, you just need to cross your fingers and hope to get lucky I guess.
Got it. With the help of 2 uber 65's (Wiz/Pal) and another badass 65 (Dru).
Was so satisfying seeing those acolytes slaughtered.
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