Gladewalker the Beastlord!


Dalayan Beginner
Brother recently showed me the game and i decided to get into it. I'm Gladewalker, your friendly neighborhood beastlord!

As a EQ vet (played since kunark) I have some understanding of the game, but also know that SoD is VASTLY different than live.

I play both this and live (Tunare server). Thought I'd introduce myself to the community and say "HELLO!"
Welcome! Dalaya has a rich history, so if you are into lore then this is the place!

I'm sure your brother has told you everything you need to know, but just in case here's a very fragmented and incomplete list of advice:
-check out
-2 boxing makes life easier
-treasure maps
-zone connection map
-check out what class quests are available in every city (no racial tension like in Live)
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