Glade Keeper's Armor (druid newbie)


Dalayan Adventurer
Thanks for writing this quest, druids have long needed a proper newbie armor quest.

I have recently started this, just to learn it and write it up on the wiki, with my 64 druid Xankae. The first part went rather smoothly, but I am having issues with the second part. Part 2 involves foraging 10 Glade Mushrooms (not normal foraged mushrooms) in Surefall Glade and Centaur hills. For the past roughly 3 hours I have had my druid in surefall glade foraging, and have only gotten 1 Glade Mushroom, the second item I foraged after being flagged for the quest. My foraging skill is 200.

I tried handing it in to see if perhaps it was bugged, and it's presence in my bags was somehow preventing me from getting another, no dice. Apprentice Bethany simply hands it back and tells me to return when I have all ten. So I am thinking either the quest has some bug, or I am very unlucky (which raises the issue: How unlucky would a newbie be at appropriate level, not having 200 foraging skill?).

DAY 1: 3 hours, 1 Shroom
DAY 2: 2.5 hours, 3 Shrooms
Day 3: 5.5 hours, 5 Shrooms
Day 4: 1 hour, 1 Shroom

Average: 1.2 hours per Shroom
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No problem Hynch :D

Well, 2.5 more hours, this time running around Cenatur Hills and Surefall, commiting genocide on the Pest dungeon area. I even managed to collect all the berries that I will need for Part 3, if I ever get there lol (another player told me what was needed for Part 3). After all that, I've only found 3 more today, for a grand total of 4 Glade Mushrooms.

10 is not alot, but, assuming the player starts this quest at 5, kills tons of Pests for Part 1, starts part 2 at maybe 8 or so, they will only have a foraging skill of maybe 45ish. At that point they will have about a level or two of xp left in the Pest dungeon, and centaur hills wont have anything for them at that level range either. This means a newbie druid will need to run around surefall glade foraging, probably not xping much, or run around centaur hills foraging, not xping, and the whole process will take several hours to get the mushrooms needed.

A friend said it took them roughly 8 hours to forage up the mushrooms with 150 skill, and so far i have spent about 5.5 hours and only gotten 4. I'm just wondering how much a newbie is going to want to stick with it, having much lower foraging skill, and spending hours upon hours foraging in zones they cant really xp in.

Again, maybe I personally have just had bad luck with foraging, maybe I am the exception, not the rule. I am not drawing conclusions yet either way, just thinking out loud for discussion. Overall, the quest is still kinda awesome IMO, and once I get past this foraging part, I'm sure the rest will be great :D

Learned something interesting today. Another druid was doing the quest while I was today, and he managed to forage 2 Glade Mushrooms while he was still doing Part 1. Apparently, Part 2 doesn't flag you to recieve the Glade Mushrooms, either starting Part 1 does, or even those who have not started the quest can forage them there. This changes everything. If a druid begins in Surefall Glade, and starts foraging right away at 1, they may already have a few of these items, maybe even all 10, by the time they get to this part of the quest. If this is the case, then I applaud the Dev(s) that thought out and wrote this quest.
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ETA: I know the post is over a year old, but I don't think anything has changed since it was made.

Learned something interesting today. Another druid was doing the quest while I was today, and he managed to forage 2 Glade Mushrooms while he was still doing Part 1. Apparently, Part 2 doesn't flag you to recieve the Glade Mushrooms, either starting Part 1 does, or even those who have not started the quest can forage them there. This changes everything. If a druid begins in Surefall Glade, and starts foraging right away at 1, they may already have a few of these items, maybe even all 10, by the time they get to this part of the quest. If this is the case, then I applaud the Dev(s) that thought out and wrote this quest.

I started a little Druid. He's a Wood Elf, so he started in Greater Faydark, but I moved him to Surefall at level 3 or 4. He foraged like crazy starting at level 6 or so (with 50 forage skill), and I still had to camp him in Surefall and Centaur Hills, not doing much, until he dinged 11 from killing mostly light blues before I got the 10 Glade Mushrooms.

Pretty please with sugar on top, up the forage rate of Glade Mushrooms slightly.

The next quest has you foraging (ARG) pods of dew in the badlands. I just hope it won't take half as long as foraging mushrooms...
When I was leveling my druid I would constantly hit the forage button. I didn't need a quest, I would just forage out of habit. I put forage in the hotbar and clicked it when it was up. I always had TONS of foraged shit filling up my inventory. Throughout all the levels.

Maybe make it so that these mushrooms can be foraged in Blackburrow as well. At least this way a druid who has out-leveled centaur hills could continue to forage in BB and get the QP's. Giving the low level druid an incentive to move into BB and group with other players.
I've been foraging for a few hours in West Badlands and haven't found a pod of dew yet. I need to forage 10 of them for the next quest in the line. The wiki doesn't list the reward, so I don't know how good it is, but most certainly it won't be worth the trouble, and as the quest is right now, it fails at helping newbies (do we really want to tell new players to stay in a zone and hit the forage button for hours on end?) I'll still do it, but that's because I'm an idiot.
The dev who made this quest line left sod. You might want to log into IRC and ask if someone could see if the drop was added to the zone file and maybe if the quest was implemented in the zone scripts.

I did the beta testing of the first two sections and what you relate is consistent with my findings. I dd get the drop rate improved a bit but never had time to complete the second section of the quest with a level 11 wood elf druid.

If it helps bags of the mushrooms were supposed to be placed around the shrub near the newport guard's outhouse in centaur hills. I remember? seeing them but dont know if they are still there. I don't know if this was done for the next sections of the quest.
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