Ghoulish Mask


Dalayan Beginner
Just wanted to check with my fellow bards / rogues on whether anyone has recently dropped the Ghoulish Mask.

So far I've killed 438 undead rogues and spent about total of 40 hours (minus 2 minutes) camping this thing. I know the RNG (randomg number generator...for Lutador's benefit) can be brutal, but mostly just need something/someone to rekindle my faith. :)
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always i read RNG i read Ranger i feel like wtf he talking about ranger class?

I demand that people say randomg number generator!

:p <3
Took me about 16 hours total to get mine, but that was close to a year ago (how time flies!). I am pretty sure it is still dropping, but that piece can be extremely stubborn.

Out of all of the masks, it is definitely the most useful, however. I would definitely keep at it if I were you.
I picked one up a month ago? Around that.

This is easy. I didn't even camp it. Every time I went to HHK for a group I killed the 2 rogues. Knowing that eventually... id get it.

And I did.

EDIT: (This method took about a year.)
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Wow it takes this long? I was exp'ing in KP for a while and just happened to loot in like hour 3. This was a while ago though.
Keep at it.

Took me about 7 hours gaming time, over a period of about 4 days, camping a couple hours at a time. I felt lucky. One night I spent about 6 hours while watching TV to break the boredom between spawns. Went back the next couple night for a couple hours and it finally dropped the last night real quick after about 10 spawns. ??? go figure.
Want to talk about how hateful the random number generator is?

Before I took my break from SoD last august, I camped DHK rats and dragons for well over 2 weeks, sometimes more than 10 hours a day trying to get a silk robe to drop. Much more than 40 hours.

One day I login, and Ryutakin tells me "check your bags". I open a bag, and bam.. There's a robe. He had grouped me while he killed rats and had me logged out just in case one dropped, and it did.

Now as if thats not spiteful enough of the RNG, when I came back to SoD last month I decided to go to my favorite old xp/cash spot, rat city, to get back in the groove of slaying my enemies. The first mob I killed was a grey seer... Guess what it dropped?

You guessed it, a Silk Robe.
Want to talk about how hateful the random number generator is?

Before I took my break from SoD last august, I camped DHK rats and dragons for well over 2 weeks, sometimes more than 10 hours a day trying to get a silk robe to drop. Much more than 40 hours.

One day I login, and Ryutakin tells me "check your bags". I open a bag, and bam.. There's a robe. He had grouped me while he killed rats and had me logged out just in case one dropped, and it did.

Now as if thats not spiteful enough of the RNG, when I came back to SoD last month I decided to go to my favorite old xp/cash spot, rat city, to get back in the groove of slaying my enemies. The first mob I killed was a grey seer... Guess what it dropped?

You guessed it, a Silk Robe.

Legan lacks BP. And he does go to DN every other day for a while now.

Lets not talk about Archaics. RNG can be random....very random. I went to Valor b with 3/4 of my archaic, we killed 7 mobs and I got the exact 3 equivalents of what I had - just be patient, it'll drop sooner or later.
Lets not talk about Archaics. RNG can be random....very random. I went to Valor b with 3/4 of my archaic, we killed 7 mobs and I got the exact 3 equivalents of what I had - just be patient, it'll drop sooner or later.


I wish I could sell you my copy of Claws of the Chill
Sadly.... first time walking throw HHP and ended up in rogue room... killed and droped.

Eternaly sorry to all bards and Rogues out thier for it rotting.

RNG has hated me since
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