Dalayan Beginner
I got this file through another source but it doesn't mess the game up. Just get rid of annoying sounds.
"Annoying and overly loud sounds were removed such as thunder, howling tunnel wind, and bags/chests opening/closing" I do not take credit for this but just uploading the file for all can use. I hope this not a bad thing to do and I hope it helps to some of you. I just hate those opening/closing bag sounds
. All you need to do is copy to your Everquest folder where ever you have it and replace file. Make sure you make a back up of current one if you do like the file I'm posting.
"Annoying and overly loud sounds were removed such as thunder, howling tunnel wind, and bags/chests opening/closing" I do not take credit for this but just uploading the file for all can use. I hope this not a bad thing to do and I hope it helps to some of you. I just hate those opening/closing bag sounds