Getting past Seizure Warning screen


Dalayan Beginner
Ok, so here is what I did. I renewed my subscription to EQ just to get the patches for the two expansions I realized I was missing (ykesha and LDoN were digital downloads I made when I played, so I didn't have CD's for those).

Ok, got all that patching done (holy cow, did that take forever) and then started up SOD. Patched SoD fine, got past where I was having the Error 303 and got to the seizure warning screen. GREAT! Or so I thought.

Well, I tried to click the "OK" button on the seizure warning screen to continue, and the cursor looked as if it went under the smaller window that contained the seizure warning message. I couldn't click the "OK" button to get past the seizure warning screen.

Any ideas?
Ok. So I did some digging through all the pages of technical support. I got to page 23 and found my answer about the Seizure Warning screen. It stated to uncheck the "Use EQW" box. So I did, and I got past the Seizure Warning screen. One problem sorted, but now on to another.

It seems that after doing the SoD patcher, it took me to an old EQ log in window. I tried using the log in information that I created for registration here at the SoD site, but it didn't work. I thought it was weird that the log in screen would be EQ log in, so I decided to try my EQ log in information, and sure enough, I got to the server select screen with my EQ log in information (incidentaly, I didn't use my old EQ log in information as my registration to SoD information.)

As I did before, I will search through old technical problem posts to see if there is a post with the same problem. But in case there isn't, posting it here for an answer.
Heh, with a little patience, I've been able to search through all the old posts and find out the answers I was looking for.

But just in case anyone else has the same issues I had, for the last problem I listed (Going thru SoD patcher but ending up only able to log into EQ), what I did was kept "Use EQW" unchecked, checked "Repatch all" and then clicked the "patch and run" button.
The sense of accomplishment is so much grander when you figure it out for yourself using the information provided, isnt it.
Not to mention, thanks for posting the answer. So many people figure it out but don't post the answer, which is annoying for others who may have the same issue.
Indeed... i just had the same issue and now in finding this i was save the pain of figuring it out.
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