Getting Dced Too Often


Dalayan Beginner
I’m not too sure what is going on, and whether or not this problem is on my end or not, but I have been getting disconnected quite often. The times seem to be at random but my latency bar at the left will randomly jump into the red going from 2000-6000 and if I’m lucky it jumps back if not both sides go to 0 and I get disconnected. Sometimes I just jump to 0 and get disconnected before the bar ever reaches 50%.

I have tried just about everything to fix this problem, I've changed my data rate from 1-8 and have had no improvements. I've tried the /cmd filter 1 and nothing..

PC specifications

AMD Anthlon 3000+
56k fax modem
512mb of Ram
Nvidia Geforce MX 64mb

ISP= MSN dial up

I also forgot to add that I'm not using a firewall and am not useing a router of any kind....
I would say try checking background programs running, turn off any messengers, p2p downloading progs...and get away from MSN and AOL internet, basically if you have to use THEIR program to connect, advoid it like the plague.

But yeah, check for background programs running, spyware, trojans, virus's....because ALL of those can lead to bandwidth being sucked away from you playing.

I dont know if MSN starts up your messenger when you connect, but do make sure thats off because I know MSN uses more bandwidth than say Yahoo messenger, but all the same, make sure its off.

Hope that helps, if not come back.
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