Getting a new install working


Dalayan Adventurer
I downloaded the free live client and tried patching it, the patching worked, but afterwards EQ windows refused to load the game, a missing .dll. Without EQW it lets me get to the server select, but when I try to enter the game, it gives me a warning about Luclin files missing and when I press okay to that, I get a memory reference error.

I'm assuming the issue is either in the live install or the patcher. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The dev team or a GM could probably give you a better answer, but I'm almost sure you cannot use the current EQlive build to patch over. You can find a copy of EQ Titanium super super super super cheap online, or find it through other venues(I will not direct you to that).
Actually Grimor, Woldo posted in his new account drive thread that they finally have fixxed that issue, and that you should be able to use the live download and then link the sod patcher and fix the files to sod standard.

Serania: The devs will probably need to know exactly what ddl file is missing to help fix this issue, and perhaps a copy of the error log or debug.txt file.
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