General Shetari's Task Part 3


Dalayan Beginner
Having trouble doing the ranger quest with Shertari's task. First thing, with part 2 and now part 3, whenever you gain a journal entry, it deletes after you zone out of surefall.

2nd thing, the general wants you to now deliver the bandages now that you delivered the gnoll balm. In the chat text, there is no where stating that I received any item to deliver to the watchers.

3rd - Where are the watchers in West Badlands? I traveled the zone looking for them and nothing showed up on track. Is it a night only thing?

Nothing in the wiki about any watcher NPC's in Badlands. Nothing about the continuation of the quest line, just the first quest which is now inaccurate. It says the quest reward is a tunic and I received boots with like half the exp, 7k I think. No link to any bandages either.

Broken? What am I missing? Ranger haters?

I'm having the same problem(s). Did you figure it out? Shedari never gave me any bandages... does it matter? Are there "watchers" in the badlands?

So has anyone figured out part 3 of the quest? my brother is having the same problem as stated above.
Any possiblity that this quest chain will be completed. Was looking forward to having the full set on my ranger, love doing armor quests like this.
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