Game isnt patching still


Dalayan Beginner
Ok so i probably sound dumb for already asking, but i torrented all the eq cd's and have it all on my comp, but when i go to patch and run the patcher, it says i have to specify my directors correctly, but when i guide it to my eq folder, it doesnt do anything but tell me thats not the correct routing. But its in the right god dam folder, could someone shed some light? I just want a free mmo and now im being stopped yet again just 1 step short of making it work -.-
Well for one don't admit to torrenting here idk if there is a punishment for that or not (its stealing) Make sure your patcher is in the Everquest folder. also are you at the part where its looking for the EQ directory to begin patching. or the part where EQW is looking for EQGAME.exe?
Delete your stolen shit and buy the damn game.

Then you'll have files that work.

Steam has it cheap, and sometimes you can find it on eBay for a bargain
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