Game Errors


Dalayan Beginner
I recently installed EverQuest House of Thule (I was told this will word for SoD) and when it was done installing I tried to run it to make sure it worked first. When I ran it I got an error that said d3dx9_30.dll was missing from my computer :S. I heard something about needed directx9 or something and I have DX11. Do I need to downgrade or something for EQ to work, or will SoD somehow work with DX11? I just want to make sure before I actually download the SoD stuff.
I'd check the client specs, since this isn't a true SoD issue. Check with where you got HoT from, because without a working client, not much help here.
After SoD patches I get an mss32.dll error -.-... Maybe I should just give up trying to get this to work :(.
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