game account / forum account???


Dalayan Beginner
not sure but looks liek the 2 game account and forum accounts are totally difenrt things... i am tyring to get a game account setup but fails eveytime i try
The only reason off the top of my head that it would fail creating the game account is because there might already be an account with the name he's trying to pick. I'd try a different account name.
ages ago

winters roar.. before winters roar had a cease and desist order i had an account wiht the username i am trying for. some time later it became this server.. this was years ago though. i cant see anyone using this account though.. i had a cleric whose name i can't recall because of the naming policy where i had to ditch my custom name for him bushman for some random name i cannot recall
What in the world are you talking about?

If you are trying to make a new account with the same account name as one that exists, obviously you wont be able to. It already exists.
so i supopse i can't have my old account. winters roar was the birth of shards of dalyalya. is ok i created a new accoutn and am happy with that
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