Full screen mode


Dalayan Beginner
At first, I couldn't get the game out of windowed mode so I looked on the forum and it said to uncheck the EQW box and activate full screen mode in-game. I did that and it was working perfectly for a while. I came back from work and made another character then when I started the game up again, it was back in windowed mode. I would play it in windowed mode, but part of the screen is hidden behind the toolbar and when I try to look around with my mouse, it's very wobbly and slow. I tried repatching it multiple times and I made sure that my game files weren't read-only, following advice that I saw on another post here. It's really getting frustrating; I can't play if I can't look around.
Make sure EQW is turned off. Push Alt+Enter to swap in between fullscreen on non full screen. You can change your resolution while in windows mode to make it so you can drag the screen around and make it fit better if you want to tontinue to play in windowed mode. On the Home page of the SoD website there is a program under files called EQPlaynice. it throttles Framerates which should help with your lag
Or alt shift r and drag your game window back to center while in windowed mode. I've had to do that a few times
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