Frustrating skill problem...

Leto Eu`Acumen

Dalayan Beginner
Not sure if this is exactly a technical forum issue, if not I apologize.

My warrior youngling just recently dinged level 13....when I took him to town to train Dual Weild, I get a message saying something like "you are already at your limit in this skill" But I am completely untrained in it. I have the proper level.

The worst part is it is eating up my skill points when I try to train does use up 1 skill point per attempt, but I get no dual weild skill from it.

I am worried that my character is somehow corrupt and that I'll have to start him over :(
I am having the same issue with my druid. Currently level 20 and cannot train Dodge (level 15 skill) and Track (level 20 skill) - getting the same error message as you. I have already buglisted the track part and only after i did found that it was an issue with training in general.

This is not an issue with your character (unless we both have the same issue). I don't doubt it will be quickly rectified once an admin catches wind of this.

** Edit to Update **

This issue is only with skills that are level restricted. Am able to train fishing properly but still cannot train Track after last server restart.
yea, I have tried camping, zoning, rebooting....going out and killing some exp mobs then coming back to try again and nothing.

I can train *other* skills just fine and get the skill up from them....but I can't train anything into Dual says "you have increased your skill in Dual Weild" and then on the very next line "you have reached your limit" and no skill gain at all.

Is there any chance that deleting that character and starting him over from scratch would not result in the same situation?
Same problem, can't learn dodge with my shammy and can't learn parry/double attack with my SK. ;(
It's a known bug now. DO NOT try to train skills, your points will be eaten up. This according to Rab in game... maybe 10 minutes ago now.
Actually if you zone and go back to your trainer you'll see that the skill points you used are returned.

That said its still not a good time to try to play a lower level character who needs skills they do not have access to.
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