From Rodcet ...


Dalayan Beginner
Hey folks! I'm glad to be here. I missed playing EQ, but I wasn't playing often enough to warrant
paying the $20 a month. Also, it's just not as fun as it used to be. I've only been here since 2 days
ago and it is quite a wonderous place... I'm confused as hell :? but that's what made it so fun!
My main is a Paladin on Rodcet Nife (level 70). Not really twinked to the nuts as I have always
been a fairly casual player. Our ingame guild is Endless Unity, hopefully soon we'll see some of
them here. I'll list of few of my other toons, maybe you've played with me before (ps, most
toons I have made here are of the same names)
Sorily necro, Fettina druid, Linorra made her a Beastlord here, Slooby Sludgehammer SK, Shanear
shammy, Ellenna chanter, Rowleen Mage. I haven't made all of them, and still unsure if I should
make another Dorf Pally... We'll have to see! Hope to see you in game, eh!

-=Puhutes=- :lol:
Welcome to SoD. I'd try out a new class/race if i were you they are quite different here than on live... Very fun to try something new here and learn all the new lore/zones.
Hey Puhutes, I was on Rodcet in 99 till 2003, starting in Noble Alliance, then moving into Inner Loop & Conviction. Hope ya enjoy SoD, now I'm on Azeam in game... maybe run into each other.
Puhutes78 said:
Thanks guys! What are some of the guilds on here? Do we have a full listing of them somewhere?

There's a Guilds forum at the bottem of the main page.
Welcome, Puhutes78. I guess I only started a day or two before you but its good to see some other nublars to join me in my confusion.

I was thinking of making a guild for newbies, just to make leveling simple. If I spot you online, I will shoot you a tell. My character is Tarkus.
Awsome! Nice to meet you.. I guess there already is a guild of newbies when we make our toons ;)
I've mostly been playing my necro Sorily. She looks similar to this
Thanks :p I usually play in the morning EST and off Sun/Mon (yup, that's later today) because I work overnights.
A nice friend of a co-worker gave some small gear to my main toon on "live" Puhutes paladin... she's looking really
cute now! I need to take a pic :lol:
I'm from Rodcet(refuse to call it the Q-word) as well, cancelled my live accounts a few weeks back, it was a tough decision but SoD has me not regretting it. I had a level 70 rogue named Daemii there, on SoD it's Flyck level 19 SK, shoot me a tell if any of you all need a tank.
I played on Rodnet up until partway through PoP expansion. Played Foolra the monk and was guild leader of Warlords of Wrath for a while.
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