Freezing after next on new char


Dalayan Beginner
Checked forums, did not see this problem.. Sorry if i missed it.

Everytime I press "next" when in the new char screen it freezes up.
or more in detail, it leaves the next button down, with my mouse curser on it, and gives me a 2nd curser. Then if i press anything it locks up.

Any ideas? Never done this to me before

Your problem is that you either did not download the hotfix as described in the Getting Started guide or you did not install it correctly.

To be more specific, the EQUI_CharacterCreate.XML file that is included in the hotfix needs to be copied into the <eqdir>\uifiles\default directory. If you do this correctly, you will be presented with a dialog confirming whether to replace the old version, which you should say yes to, naturally.

Now, having said all that, I must warn you that we put all the files into the hotfix archive for a reason. If you don't install every file in the hotfix archive properly, then you will inevitably have further issues.

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the hotfix archive is designed to where all you have to do is unzip it to your EQ directory and the files will go where they are supposed to go. The bad news is that if you can't manage to accomplish this, you don't meet the minimum requirements to play on the WR server.


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