Former player looking for the good old days...


Dalayan Beginner
I used to play a game we all seem to know from 99 until I cancelled in 2003. My main charater had 370 days played... sounds a little sad i know. lol The constant raiding and things werent really for me at all. What I really missed were the times in the begining. Just starting out when I was totally stoked to have a complete set of bronze armor for my meatshield. When Kunark and Velious first came out it was awesome... the best times i had with the game. when everything was fresh and new. That and the helpful community that was there in the begining. I am really hoping to find that in SoD.

Please tell me that I wan find that community and game experience here. I am really excited.
You will find the game experience to be similar, and the community is very helpful and mostly mature (as much as any MMORPG community can be).

However, at the same time, it's a completely different game. You won't find any of the quests, items, mobs, deities etc. that there were in 'thatonegamethatweallplayedonce'. Everything is unique in SoD -- which imo makes it a better game than 'thatonegamethatweallplayedonce'.

My suggestion: give it a chance, everybody's doin it! If you don't like it, you can punch your computer screen, your cat, yourself, or the closest baby -- whatever floats your boat.
You will find the game experience to be similar, and the community is very helpful and mostly mature (as much as any MMORPG community can be).

However, at the same time, it's a completely different game. You won't find any of the quests, items, mobs, deities etc. that there were in 'thatonegamethatweallplayedonce'. Everything is unique in SoD -- which imo makes it a better game than 'thatonegamethatweallplayedonce'.

My suggestion: give it a chance, everybody's doin it! If you don't like it, you can punch your computer screen, your cat, yourself, or the closest baby -- whatever floats your boat.

Looks interesting. I wanna try it. The best of all...... "ITS FREEEEE..."
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