Forage broken?


Dalayan Beginner
I have a lvl 23 iksar shm and he has been able to forage since lvl 1 (skill is at 50). Recently when I activate forage, nothing happens no auto-inventory noise, no success message, and no failure message, not sure when the skill stopped. I did get the Headmaster's Visage (illusion erudite), does this cause a forage bug (tried foraging with and without Visage equipped, still no result)? Not sure what to do from here...
Thanks for any advice, really enjoying SoD.
UPDATE: Apparently if I take off the Headmaster's Visage and relog, my forage skill returns and works normally (I get fail and success messages again). I got the Visage so I could sell, but I guess it is a double edged sword lol.
UPDATE: The short term solution is that if I want to forage I have to remove the Visage BEFORE zoning. I can then enter the zone and forage as normal even after equiping the visage as long as I do not zone.
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