First stage of Obsidian Edged Runeblade


Dalayan Beginner
First and foremost, this is the issue I have. When I attacked the Tal'Yan Soothsayer the Initiate's Long Sword; it was taken from my inventory as the Wiki says it's supposed to. Well, I died during the fight and now cannot retrieve the Blood-Stained Long Sword.

The NPC/Dialogue are as follows:

You say, 'Hail, Tavax Darkblood'
Tavax Darkblood peers into the very soul of (player), 'What is it you want, young one? Do you come to mee seeking knowledge? Or perhaps to quench your thirst for death...' Tavax Darkblood grins, 'I can teach you, (player). The runeblade -- one day it will be yours -- I can see it in your eyes.'

You say, 'Teach me of this runeblade'
Tavax Darkblood says, 'You are still nothing more than an insect to me -- the runeblade is something of power, not to be taken lightly. First you most prove yourself a capable Shadowknight.'

You say, 'I want to prove myself'
Tavax Darkblood grins, 'Then prove yourself you will. Take this blade and slaughter the tal`yan -- one such as a foolish soothsayer should do. Stain the blade with his blood, and return to me.'

I guess since I've already started this quest and been given the sword; when I say "I want to prove myself." to get another Initiate's Long Sword; nothing happens at all.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
this same thing happened to me, I petitioned and was told to go to this quest forum... Are there any work arounds to get this quest started again?
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