Firinis Theory Complete?


Dalayan Beginner
I noticed on the wiki the reward is not listed for this quest so i have a some of questions...

One: is the quest finished? Before i betray my Gnollish freinds and commit genocide to raise paw faction it would be good to know the quest actuly does have a reward. Or is there another race i can slay?
Two: is it even possible to raise faction to amiable by killing i thought it was only to indiffrent and i noticed the wiki stating Gerod doesnt give any quests( if he does what other factions will it harm)

Three: is there any alignement hits for this quest?
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The quest is indeed complete. And I've been meaning to explore other potential paw faction raising paths. There is an issue of overlap with the blackscale quest line there, so unsure if it will happen or not.
One: is the quest finished? Before i betray my Gnollish freinds and commit genocide to raise paw faction it would be good to know the quest actuly does have a reward. Or is there another race i can slay?
Yes, And AFAIK Kargyxx work as well.
Two: is it even possible to raise faction to amiable by killing i thought it was only to indiffrent and i noticed the wiki stating Gerod doesnt give any quests( if he does what other factions will it harm)
You can turn in Starfall Gnoll Paws and/or something from Kargyxx to raise paw faction.
Three: is there any alignement hits for this quest?
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