Final aug turn in for Silvercrown bugged.


Dalayan Beginner
After finishing the silvercrown quests required to advance to "Trader" ranking, I hailed High Trader Dreina in Everfrost. I proceeded to choose D2(?) in the dialogue which asks her if I am ready to advance rankings. She congradulated me with 500,000 EXP and "Trader" ranking.

The next part is where things get fishy.

After receiving Trader ranking, I hand her my Silver Crown Sergeant's Pips so I could be rewarded with Silver Crown Trader's Pips. She handed me back the Silver Crown Sergean'ts Pips, instead of the new Trader's one.

When I hail her she says: "Hail, Trader Olay. There is little further that I can do for you without written permission from the head office. Why not go and speak to Bendrick there. He likely has new tasks for someone of your reputation."

Now I know High Trader Dreina rewards the Silver Crown Trader's Pips but just incase, I went to South Newport and I hailed High Trader Bendrick who says nothing and will not reward me with the new Trader's Pips. GM-Trainee-Rari tried to fix this this issue with me but it didn't work. He told me to post the situation here.

Thanks! hope you guys can fix this.

Sounds like I broke something while playing with that npc! I'll take a look at it, even if this situation has been resolved.
Im having a similar problem with the corporals aug hand in, High Trader Dreina just keeps returning my soldier pips back after telling me I advanced to the next rank? :psyduck:
High Trader Dreina will not take my quality cooked meat :dumbsad: how am I to finish my aug now. Tried giving it to her in many ways and she did not accept anything 8(
I just went to advance my rank on my ranger and I get this message :psyduck:


However I already have my Corporals Aug so ya IDK :(
Also having same issue as OP on two of my characters.

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My main character "Waha" is also having trouble with High Trader Dreina. She will not accept my High quality cooked meat (rhino, griffin, stormwolf and terror). I gave her 5 of each pieces at one time, 1 piece of each at one time, 5 pieces of each meat at one time, and 1 piece of each meat at one time. Neither way, she won't accept them.
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