

Dalayan Adventurer
Any word yet on a work around for the spam filter system? Right not it works, but resets every time you zone? (Makes raiding a tad difficult managing spam and wipes etc)
I have tried that, the main problem is that then I dont get a message when I get hit by an AoE or when a heal lands on my and who casted it.

Its fine in a group, but in a raid it gets tough to figure out if I am loosing HPs because I am being hit, ramp, aoe, or what the heck is going on.
I don't even get a spell damage message on the character being hit right now, I only see it on other nearby characters. I keep my melee and and ramp notifications in other windows, so I just assume it's spell damage if I don't see it elsewhere. I know that filters being fixed would be the ideal solution, but this is just how I deal with it now.
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