Few specific questions about Dru/Cleric


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I am familiar with EQ Live and most other mmorpgs created on earth. I was wondering, though, how Druids and Clerics here differ from live version? I always like playing healers. Also, what class is more popular? Are there a bunch of druids running around? Are healers even needed or is everyone boxing one? I like playing ultimate support but if population is too low at mid lvls to support cleric grouping might not be fun. If anyone can fill me in on this stuff I would really appreciate it. See you in game soon and thanks!
Functionality is similiar. Druids can't quad kite anymore, but beyond that, druids are weaker healers with a little more utility/damage capabilities, and clerics are stronger healers with less utility/damage capabilities.

Low to mid level groups always need healers, but if you are concerned about grouping, or want to be able to play without a group once in a while, start a melee character along with your healer, and play 2. You are certainly welcome to play 2 (but just 2) characters at a time.
Are melee classes in SoD also close to what they were in EQlive? I am not too familiar with them, but that sounds like a good idea. As a healer, though, I would be able to reasonably find a group at mid to high lvls?
Melee class functions are similar, yes.

All classes are designed to be useful, so regardless of what you choose, there will be spots for them, and groups will always need both tanks and healers at the least.
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