Farewell Shards of Dalaya


Dalayan Pious Diety
I won't be totally 100% gone, I'm sure old friends will occasionally convince me to help them slay 4.3 or other monsters, but I'm done raiding and in general progressing my character, which is what the game was about for me (apart from just having fun with friends of course!).

The "New Direction" SoD is taking is really depressing to me. In my opinion, Dev-Marza was the best developer this game has ever seen, and his powers were stripped and his content vandalized. I just feel fortunate to have had the honor and luxury of experiencing it in its original form.
It's been real.
It's been fun.

i've fought and fought and fought, but we have to accept the inevitable eventually. i started this game in 2007 as a little side project to relive my time as a 12 year old in classic EQ, but then i met two dudes named iance and dzillon and ended up raiding in phoenix rising and getting hooked. i can hardly remember it anymore... it was a crazy journey. but it was awesome. i was incredibly fortunate. i owe my success to three people in particular: Dzillon, Lleoc, and Bango. thanks to all my other true bros too, you know who you are, you guys made this thing worthwhile.

shout out to marza, ironically the True Martyr of Dalaya.

this game will always hold a special place in my heart.
Peace dude. I think everyone in FWF saw all this coming, but it doesn't make it any less sad. Hell, Cless has a Prophecy tag now. Anyways, I hear you can stalk Marza on WoW nowadays, and if you ever hit that up, let us know.
Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die, serve right and justice one last time, seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain, cut well old friend, and then farewell.
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