Falling Beneath the Zone in GD



I know other people have had this problem lately. Whenever I zone from Thurg to GD my chrarcter falls beneath the zone and dies, then my computer basicly freezes up try to load. I was bound in Thurg ...so I was stuck there. Trying to fix this I bound myself the second I zoned in before I would fall to my death in GD, now my character is stuck in a death loop falling dieing , reloading then again and again. If anyone can do something to help this ...the characters name is Sirvo .... I'ld really apriciate some help with this problem.
I have been having a similar problem.

It seems that if I go from Thurg to GD I fall for 20k damage, but it only seems to happen if I have zoned into CC since the last time I have been in GD. Might this be something related to reloading Thurg from the CC side?
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