Faction Quests


Dalayan Beginner
I´ve seen many pages in the wiki for factions, but I would like to know how far those are implemented right now.

From what I´ve seen, Silver Crown > Blackscale > Council in number of quests (and so lower possible stats on the augment).

Or my info is wrong and its just that lawful and evil people have more fun with info in wiki? :)
Silver Crown is really the only faction that has quests implemented at the moment (Past the first augment I mean). What Blackscale has is quests that aren't actually associated with joining the faction. Grobb is run by the Blackscale so naturally you can find a few quests there. It's got nothing to do with the MQ though so Blackscale and Council are pretty much on equal footing. Equal footing as in, both are WAY behind Silver Crown.
i think the official word mot too long ago was that advancement quest for blackscale and council might be coming soon :)
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