Extreem lag issues/ possible port problems?


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, first off i just reformatted my computer, started back fresh, its a sony viao, 3 gigs ddr ram, 3.0 gz ht p4 processor, good computer should work fine...

Anyway sometimes when im playing, it will just start lagging out on me really bad. Ill just zone into blackburrow and 2 mins later ill be at 90% lag or whatever and i cant do anything, if i log out and log back in it fixes it for temporaroraly but then it comes back. I was DCing fine for like 5 hours one night, now as soon as i log the second char on they both lag out, i cant figure it out, i updates all my drivers and everything... i even went as far as setting up two seperate directorys and accounts for both chars i was trying to run... i cant figure it out... i was wondering if blocked ports my have anything to do with it? I'm living up at college and this is my computer in m dorm but im connecting over their t1 network, i cant even get on irc to ask you guys because i believe the port is blocked.. ...was thinkin someone was telling me about using a free proxy server on an unblocked port to get around the network's blocked ports?
...anyway any suggestons help or support is much appriceated Thanks alot
Maimai tells the group, "PL bugged brb"

Get used to that :) It seems to happen to everyone after a certain time in a zone and it also spreads to everyone else slowly once one person catches it. I hope it can be fixed at some point.
From time to time I have a character lag out. When one does it, the other will within half an hour. Most of the time packet loss on that one character will go up to 50-80% and just stay there. Characters and mobs will just stay where they were, still pretending to fight. Spells that I'm casting will go on indefinitely. Eventually I'll go LD, so whenever it starts to happen I just alt + f4 out and log back in, and make sure I pull carefully until the other window follows suit =) It's clearly a software issue, since it's just once in a rare while (probably once every 6 or 8 hours that I play, so these days not more than a couple times a week)

It sounds like your problem is different from that, though. If you start lagging out like that as soon as you log in a second character, it's certainly a whole different beast. I don't know much about the EQ software, but at first glance that does sound like a port-related problem of some sort. If you poke around on the EQLive tech support forums you might be able to find a list of ports that EQ uses, and your campus IT department likely either has or will provide upon request a list of blocked ports. If no one else has any better information, you might look into it. That's about all the advice I can offer, I'm afraid. Good luck with it.
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