Explosive Flame III Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I am having an Issue with the quest
Explosive Flame III
It says I need to Kill in
Location: Black Burrow
and loot
Item: Sigil of Unmaking
Kill Monster:
Gnoll Brutes
The suggested Level range for Explosive FLame I is 6-10 so im assuming for part 3 its around the same maybe 10-12 seeing as its in Black Burrow.
I am currently lv 18-
I feel the drop rate should increased due to the low level range- This is the first quest line for the Magician and beign new to SOD not able to twink makes the game harder for most- and if these first armor quests had a better drop rate and also the amount of brutes that are up at 1 time and possibly the locations- they are normally only deep in zone with the lv 15 mobs and Ive only seen 2 up at a time. Having them at the topish area would provide possibility of completing quest, only way to solo bb is really with a group or being way to high level for the quest armor that im trying to acquire. it would provide us with more of a chance to succeed and not rage quit lol. Please take this into consideration as I will continue to kill brutes and be killed bu them as well.

So far ive killed well over 45 gnoll brutes and no drop- Maybe my luck will turn around soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
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agreed - I went in to help, and didnt even see a gnoll brute, we ruined the place. kinda rediculous for a lowbie quest. -- or, if there is a place the spawn particularly and maybe we just missed it, pls chime in
Anybody able to Chime in? been almost 4 days now and I still cant get 1 to drop let alone find more then 1 at a time.

I will continue to try though
I did this quest when I was new. They share spawn spots with other mobs. So you have to kill things to spawn them. They primarily have possible spawn spots near the pirahna pool room (you can drop into it from fake floor pit near the entrance of the zone)
It has been some time since I've done this side (or any side) of the Newport Cup quest, but I recall the Sigil of Unmaking being droppable. You might check at the merchants nearest to Blackburrow in the coming days to see if someone might have sold one to them. Also, occasionally issue a /shout in BB or even CH asking if anyone there might have one they don't need.

Best of luck, and enjoy the next quests in the line, too.
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