Explosive Flame 1 bugged?


Dalayan Beginner
Recieved quest from Del Jarels on my Character Daemose. Aquired necessary item (mud-soaked clothing) from janitor. Went to turn in and Del handed the item back and it appears the quest was erased from my log, he now says my standing is not high enough with the guild for him to give me any quests, so i cannot even repeat the sequence.

Help would be greatly appreciated as i cannot complete the quest line without this turn in.
daemose is a high elf and you will probably need human illusion to do any hand-ins for this quest.

leveling an enchanter alt up to lvl 4 would probably be the easiest thing to do.
daemose is a high elf and you will probably need human illusion to do any hand-ins for this quest.

leveling an enchanter alt up to lvl 4 would probably be the easiest thing to do.
Yeah I ran into the same roadblock as an erudite
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