Hello fair citizens of Dalaya!
My name is Subjazz, real name is Lance Stone a former GM and obsessed player from the Tribunal server. (Yes I am an older player)
Yes I was a GM on a PvP server and had much fun in the days of old.
I used to own 4 accounts and played so much that I was forced to retire.
My last hizzah was a couple of amazing events around Halloween and Christmas around 10 years ago.
I decided to return and seek out a server that will allow me to afford a little time to enjoy and just play again. I am a total oldschool player and retired just before EQ2 was released. I am familiar with the game and I am sure to be able to get into the swing of things quite fast.
Who to expect to see:
My three favorite characters/class are:
Ogre Beastlord - name most likely Taazz Teddybear
Barbarian Shaman (warrior) - named Kaazz Kruger
Iskar Monk - named Ssazz Sushatazz
Those were my fav's but I prefer the name lineage to let players know it is me and I LOVE to roleplay too
So search for me in the newbie areas / low level areas as I grow my three characters.
If I do make Subjazz - it will most likely be a froglok paladin or something haha
see you in game!
My name is Subjazz, real name is Lance Stone a former GM and obsessed player from the Tribunal server. (Yes I am an older player)
Yes I was a GM on a PvP server and had much fun in the days of old.
I used to own 4 accounts and played so much that I was forced to retire.
My last hizzah was a couple of amazing events around Halloween and Christmas around 10 years ago.
I decided to return and seek out a server that will allow me to afford a little time to enjoy and just play again. I am a total oldschool player and retired just before EQ2 was released. I am familiar with the game and I am sure to be able to get into the swing of things quite fast.
Who to expect to see:
My three favorite characters/class are:
Ogre Beastlord - name most likely Taazz Teddybear
Barbarian Shaman (warrior) - named Kaazz Kruger
Iskar Monk - named Ssazz Sushatazz
Those were my fav's but I prefer the name lineage to let players know it is me and I LOVE to roleplay too
So search for me in the newbie areas / low level areas as I grow my three characters.
If I do make Subjazz - it will most likely be a froglok paladin or something haha
see you in game!