Exploring and Considering


Dalayan Beginner
Hello fair citizens of Dalaya!

My name is Subjazz, real name is Lance Stone a former GM and obsessed player from the Tribunal server. (Yes I am an older player)
Yes I was a GM on a PvP server and had much fun in the days of old.

I used to own 4 accounts and played so much that I was forced to retire.

My last hizzah was a couple of amazing events around Halloween and Christmas around 10 years ago.

I decided to return and seek out a server that will allow me to afford a little time to enjoy and just play again. I am a total oldschool player and retired just before EQ2 was released. I am familiar with the game and I am sure to be able to get into the swing of things quite fast.

Who to expect to see:

My three favorite characters/class are:

Ogre Beastlord - name most likely Taazz Teddybear
Barbarian Shaman (warrior) - named Kaazz Kruger
Iskar Monk - named Ssazz Sushatazz

Those were my fav's but I prefer the name lineage to let players know it is me and I LOVE to roleplay too

So search for me in the newbie areas / low level areas as I grow my three characters.

If I do make Subjazz - it will most likely be a froglok paladin or something haha

see you in game!
Welcome welcome, be sure to read rules and such before you do to much. Mentioning you played 4 chars makes me want to bring up the 2 box limit rule here. Have as many chars/ accounts as you like, however you may only have 2 logged in at any given time.
Welcome to SoD! I also played on the Tribunal server a looooong time ago.

There are lots of new and improved things here, yet similar enough to feel familiar and nostalgic.

You are allowed to have as many accounts as you want in Dalaya, although you can only play, at most, 2 at a time.
Welcome welcome, be sure to read rules and such before you do to much. Mentioning you played 4 chars makes me want to bring up the 2 box limit rule here. Have as many chars/ accounts as you like, however you may only have 2 logged in at any given time.

I only played two chars at once even in the days of old.
But I really do appreciate being informed to a set guidelines and rules before I go 'breaking' any of them :)
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