Excited to say Hi


Dalayan Beginner
saying hello even as I am waiting for "anniversary" to finish downloading!

I have no idea what class, race, or name will be; but dang if I am excited to join your group!

So hello and good tidings to all!
Hi :) hope you have fun :)
(be sure to not pick a name that would be an obvious violation to naming policy.. IE "Monky" for a monk.. to avoid early discouragement)

may i ask what has gotten you so riled up about SoD?
Loved the "original" and a project in that vein I was following had problems and was stopped. This place was mentioned on forums there, so I started checking this out.

With some different game tweaks and zone differences, combined with how long it has been since I played, I hope to have a " new " experience. So that potential has me looking forward to playing.

The posts I have read seem to indicate there is a good maturity level here as well.
I have been a member for a while (a year or more), and I do have to say this is a great community of gamers. All the GM's treat you with respect and kindness here (provided you don't act like a retard, lol)... so welcome to your new SoD experience!
Welcome. Glad you are bringing some excitement and energy with you. From what you said, I don't think you will be disappointed.
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