everquest has detected your client crashes

My computer does the same thing.
I have two toons on the same account, one is level 1 in the dream.
The other is 65 in Greater Faydark.
I can get on the level 1 but not the level 65, it gives me the client crash warning.
And i cant get on the game with the higher level toon.
Can some one please help.
I have down loaded nothing but the patches when you sign on nothing else.
It is strange it seems my connection at work does not want to play fair with Gfay.
I logged in other toons that i have in like 5 different zones, i was able to get on the game with those. I just need to camp those two in a different zone on Sunday if i want to play them for lunch on Monday.
My game keeps crashing X( I get a pop up that says "everquest has detected that your client may have crashed. it's often possible to determine .... blah blah blah"

it does it at random times and usually only effects one of the games open if I have 2 running.

Anyone know how I can fix this?

I was having problems with my PC for a while so I recently did a system recovery and wiped the whole thing. EQ works a lot better now, but it's still crashing. WTF?
I use the Linux Client, running on Mint v12. When I tab between 2 clients, it crashes at random times. I thought it was a problem with the Linux client itself, but it sounds like it might also happen on the windows client.
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