

Dalayan Beginner
**** just gave me access to my account again (we closed it a year ago) so I have a current version of EQ installed and patched on my computer. A friend of mine told me about this so I decided to try it out. To install this, I copied my EQ directory and renamed it "Shards of Dalaya". I downloaded the patcher and inserted into this new directory.

The patcher (1.80) opens and I can path and run, it then opens another screen labeled EQW Beta 2.35a. I have it pointed to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Shards of Dalaya\eqgame.exe' with Fix eqclient.ini checked. From there, the game appears to start (Beta 2.35a) but within a few seconds I get an application error: 'The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000005) occurred in the application at location 0x04ee54ee.'

So ... what have I done?

I have redownloaded and installed patcher. I have downloaded the direct patch and installed it; however, I'm not sure they extracted properly. I want to say something patched the first time I opened the game but it appeared like the standard patch screen so I figured it was updating files in the new directory? I'm not sure.

I've wanted to avoid doing this all in the original directory but maybe my files are mapping over there anyway causing the problem?
ok - I completed deleted the new directory (Shards of Dalaya). Downloaded the sodpatcher (again) and installed into the main EQ directory. I clicked on the launch and it spent about 15 mintues downloading patches and I linked it to the right .exe's in folder.

NOW - the EQW Beta 2.35a window opens and I see disclaims in what looks like a command prompt box (no grahpics, orange text) and no options to continue. ESC closes the box. ENTER closes the box. Each key stroke results in no further activity and no error message at all.

What are my next steps here?
I can get actually get into the game. The menu options are so unreadable that I can neither make selections or see what the options. At one point, I saw some red text - assumed it was username/password error and entered my account data. I was able to get in ... however there is no telling if I'll be able to duplicate this again because that first menu is absolutely unreadable.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to improve that?
I've seen some pretty bizarre graphic issues caused by trying to run EQW at the same or larger resolution that your monitor is running. The first thing I'd try would be either (1) Adjust your EQW settings file to run at a lower resolution than your monitor (2) run without the use of EQW.

What you described of "ENTER closes the box" is normal, where the default option is to "decline" the rules page that opens prior to login. If it's just that page that doesn't display properly, then the second thing I'd try would be to press Tab then Enter instead of just Enter when you get to that screen.

I assume you're running Windows 7, so worst-case scenario, you should still be able to Alt-F4 and close the window if you get to another screen and still can't see what you're supposed to see.
Windows Vista

The originally setting was 800x600 where as my default monitor setting is 1920 x 1080. I changed this to match once I was actually in. Where is the EQW settings file?
I am having this exact problem. I was recommended this game by a friend, and no matter what I do it wont work. Tried it on 2 different windows 7 machines, both dual cores. Bot with ATI Radeon video cards. Same issue as camhawk describes. Orange text, all layered on top of the last screen, and no way to change settings. Please reply to this camhawk or an admin if a fix was found! thanks
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