

Dalayan Beginner
My OS is vista, I'm on a laptop my graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570.

I can get to the server selection screen, but when I hit the start button it begins to load (I don't see the loading screen) and then it gives me an error, it reads:

The exception unkown software exception (0xc00005) occured in the application at location 0x1004f31f. It's titled as an application error.

I've tried reinstalling the patcher, although something I did notice is that when I downloaded the patcher it wouldn't let me install it to the EQ folder, so I put it on the desktop and then manually moved it there. It said I didn't have the permission (even though I'm the administrator), I wasn't sure if this information was important or not.

I'd appreciate the assistance, I played SoD for a while a few years ago, can't wait to get back in! I was upset when I kept on getting the error :(
Check through this thread: How to Setup Shards of Dalaya (patcher 1.80), and make sure you follow the step by step there. It may be that you missed a step somewhere along the way, this is a good place to start.

It said I didn't have the permission (even though I'm the administrator), I wasn't sure if this information was important or not.

Right click on your evercrack directory and go to properties. On the Security tab, you will see "To change permissions, click Edit." Go ahead and click Edit, and then in the top window highlight Administrators, and in the bottom window click full control. Click ok and VOILA! You just gave yourself permission, as the Admin, to change, alter, screw up, etc anything in that folder. Grats? Hope this helps :D
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Any time I have ever gotten an error like that at server select it has meant that someone was logged on to the account I was trying to get on and left themselves at the character select screen.
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