ERROR: String not found. (303)


Dalayan Beginner
I am now getting an error that reads "ERROR: String not found. (303)" I am running Vista so I am not sure if that is related, I got the sodpatcher.exe put into C:\EverQuest and have it set to run C:\EverQuest\eqgame.exe, I ran repatch all as well... Maybe someone can help me out?
Okay, I'm assuming this are both fresh installs? And you do have copies of the actual Game client installed? A bit more info is needed...
yea first i installed with my discs uninstalled, tried again... then i got a trial version of eq and patched to full and i could play that fine but still could not play SoD even after patching and such
ok just wanna throw this out there, it might be the EQ expansion version your using. i was getting this 303 error while trying to run using Everquest: Platinum Pack, 4 reinstalls of it and 3 trys on 2 other computers ended with the same result Error: string not found (303) so i went and found EverQuest: Titanium did a clean install and SoD patch on it and it works fine. so i dont know what the problem was but platinum wouldnt work but titanium did, hope that helps some
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