Error: String Not Found (303) - Cannot run program.


Dalayan Beginner
I installed EQ up to LDON, followed the guide exactly as laid out to get the program working (both with and without WR's version of EQWindows), and the game locks as soon as I click "run" on the patcher. :brow: The topic is the exact error code that pops up. Anyone else seen this problem, know how to troubleshoot it? OS is Win XP Pro.
Did you install the patcher in its own folder that is NOT in the EQ folder?


*Please note: The default for programs will be C:\Program Files\Everquest or C:\Program Files\Everquest Trilogy. Either way it will be in your Program Files folder rather in 'Games' as shown in my drive setup.
error problems

It's in a sub-directory off the main EQ directory. Moving it to it's own main directory location off E:, see if that does the trick.
still getting same error

No luck. Cut-and-pasted it from where it was, one step off the main EQ directory, to a new spot directly on E: and it still gives me the same message. It's not looking for it specifically on D: is it? (BTW, how did you take a screencap of your desktop?)

EDIT: Going to re-install the patcher to E: rather than cut-and-pasting, see if that does the trick.
gah.. more problems

Ok. Re-installed it, and it wants to patch again. No big deal, except that when it hits the file "thegrey_chr" it dosen't progress any farther than that. Just hangs on that one. Let the patcher run for a half hour or so while I went to the store and it was still on that file when I got back.

UPDATE: Restored the WRPatcher I deleted to a new location, manually copied over the files the patcher was giving me problems with (thegrey_chr and freeportw_chr), ran it from E: *after* I had completely reinstalled the WRPatcher rather than just cut-pasted it, and I'm still getting the error.
Honestly, I would try uninstalling EQ and going back to square one (redownloading all WR Files needed and making sure you patch up to LDoN and optional zones from Live).

Refer to This Post.

Also, to take a screen shot in Windows - just hit Print Screen and then paste into any image program such as paint. To get a section of the pic only - just crop the screen shot in paint.

I'm actually doing that right now. Have that post open in another window and starting over, see how it goes using that guide.[/quote]
Finally the thing works

Dunno where it was getting crossed wires at, but I followed that write-up to the letter and it's working for me. Now to just get some time to spare so I can play the thing.
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